Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Ok.....I REALLY have not been to my own blog in months!! So why did I even create it? I was going to report all the exciting adventures out here on the ranch & keep in touch with family, friends or anyone who might be somewhat interested.

I did have great expectations of myself....thinking...oh sure...I can write at least twice a week. HAHA...well life got in the way & before you know, it IS MONTHS later. Talk about putting things off.

So to the one & only comment that has every been made on this blog...a very special friend to our entire family...Miss Jen! Yes, I am finally going to do what I set out to do. WRITE about the few adventures we seem to have here.

You see, Jen would know about adventure. We had the joy of seeing her have a very close encounter with a rattlesnake! She thought Adam was taking her for a nice walk just to see a simple bunny rabbit, but what lay ahead for her was much more than she could have ever imagined. There it was, all coiled up under the trailer, only about 5 feet from her, hissing. Nope, NOT a bunny rabbit after all.

She went a running to the house & just about knocked Mauri through the laundry room door screaming for her life to safety towards the kitchen, where I was. Needless to say the look on her face was sheer terror & a tad bit white.

I really did feel bad for her. It is a scary thing to see something like a 3 1/2 ft. rattlesnake that you know is very dangerous. So what do you do? Well the mountain man that Mauri is gets his 357 filled with snakeshot & proceeds to, yes, kill it & of course save its rattlers. Safe at last.

Will Jen return to the ranch? OF COURSE!! She would rather observe the wildlife from our living room window or riding on the back of our new quads, which is another story waiting to be told.

Remember the "Adventures of Rin Tin Tin"? I will be back soon with more adventures from your local "Heath Haven Ranch".!!!!


Jen said...

The snake story retold! :o) I'm glad I survived. Love you

Anonymous said...

What a great story of ranch life. I think I would do the same thing if I saw a rattle snake...run scared!
Thank you for sharing your ranch adventures.
God bless,
Sarah Grinder